Home World Europe


Christian news from Europe and around the world

In Europe, many Muslims renounce Islam, embrace Christianity

A number of Muslims in Europe are publicly abandoning their religion to become Christians or agnostics despite their former community's taboo against such acts.

Abandoned by missionary agencies, Christianity is dying in Europe

IN highlighting the extraordinary number of churches that have been abandoned due to absent congregations, the Wall Street Journal included a graph showing the lack of church attendance among many of Europe's countries.

BBC comes under attack for anti-Christian bias in royal wedding coverage

A Northern Ireland lawmaker has accused the BBC of attacking Christians in a broadcast covering the wedding of Prince Henry "Harry" of Wales and former American actress Meghan Markle.

‘World heads towards war between Islam and Christianity’

Erdogan’s actual gripe is that Austria is resisting a war already raging — a demographic war. It’s a conflict the Turkish leader has been enthusiastic about and has encouraged.

Most people in western Europe still identify as Christian: Pew report

Christian identity in Western Europe is associated with higher levels of nationalism and negative sentiment toward immigrants and religious minorities.
Muslims street prayers

France bans Muslim street prayers

FRANCE has banned street prayers by Muslims with effect from Friday. As a result of the ban, thousands of the nation’s Muslims moved to temporary alternative spaces to offer prayers.

Iceland makes blasphemy legal

THE Icelandic Ethical Humanist Association said that the new law included provisions to ensure that people could still be prosecuted for hate speech.
German bishops

‘180,000 Catholics quit church last year in Germany’

AS many as 180,000 Catholics quit the church last year in the wake of persistent child sex abuse scandals, a media report said recently.

Pope Francis tells gay man God made him like that

The Pope's words would amount to a significant departure from the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, which considers homosexuality "objectively disordered" and contrary to God's law.
Nyamko Sabuni

Sweden’s youth in state centres sell sex for drugs: report

TWELVE percent of girls and four percent of boys placed in youth care homes in Sweden sold sex for drugs or money last year, according to a new report.
The suffering of Christ

The happiness of suffering

Suffering for our own mistakes tends to be a source of shame. But to suffer for the sake of righteousness (because we are followers of Jesus) is a cause for joy in the Lord.
Smith Wigglesworth

Have faith in God: Smith Wigglesworth

It is grand to see people believe God. God knew all about this leg and that it was broken in two places. I said to the woman, "When I pray, something will happen." Her husband was sitting there; he had been in his chair for four years and could not walk a step.

Churches petition Murmu to save Christians in Manipur

An estimated 35,000 Meitei Christians face “total cleansing and obliteration" in all the valley districts of the hilly state, according to their memorandum submitted to Murmu on June 26.