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Middle East

Christian news from the Middle East and around the world.

Suicide bomber kills South Korean Christians on Israel tour

A bus full of South Korean Christians who saved money for years in order to visit biblical sites in Egypt and Israel were attacked Sunday by a suicide bomber.

Saudi Arabia raises red flag for Christians in Arabian Peninsula

RANKED second on the Open Doors World Watch List (a compilation of the 50 countries where persecution of Christians is the most severe), the news is not really a surprise. There is no provision for religious freedom in the constitution of this Islamic kingdom.
Christians in Syria

Christians anxious about Syria’s political future

CHRISTIANS have borne the brunt of regime changes in both Egypt and Syria. Unrest remains part of the landscape. While the people can agree they want to be free from oppressive regimes, no one can seem to agree on who will be in charge.
Pastor Farhad Sabokrouh and his wife

40 Iranian Christians arrested, five stand trial

FOUR Christians were sentenced to a year in jail, the trial of another five began, and state-sponsored media confirmed the arrest of 40 house-church members: one day in the life of the Iranian Church.

Archaeologists claim discovery of Shilo Tabernacle

ARCHAEOLOGISTS say they have found the remains of the Biblical Israelites' Tabernacle at site of ancient Shilo. The Tabernacle precedes the Temples and dates to the period between the conquest of the Land of Israel by Joshua and the rise of King David.

Syria’s war children will grow up illiterate, says UN envoy

SYRIA'S devastating civil war will force a generation of children to grow up illiterate and filled with hate, a UN envoy warned on Thursday as fighting raged on around the country.

Woman executed in Iran said: ‘Dear mum, don’t cry’

SHE left her final will in a voice message to her mother, Shole Pakravan, in April, according to the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI), which released the English translation.

Muslim turned Christian pastor shares his story

“My neighborhood was mixed, Christians and Muslims,” he said. “My grandpa rented out to Christians, mainly Greek Orthodox, and that neighborhood was cosmopolitan.”
Joel C Rosenberg

Biblical war unfolding between Iran, Israel, says best-selling author

JOEL C Rosenberg, an Evangelical Christian and New York Times best-selling author who has extensive experience in Middle East affairs, warned at a conference that Iran and Israel will soon be thrown into a war.

Israeli military pounds Gaza after rocket strike

Israeli forces carried out strikes against what they called “Hamas terror targets” across the Gaza Strip, after an earlier rocket attack that destroyed a family home and wounded seven people in a neighbourhood north of Tel Aviv.
The suffering of Christ

The happiness of suffering

Suffering for our own mistakes tends to be a source of shame. But to suffer for the sake of righteousness (because we are followers of Jesus) is a cause for joy in the Lord.
Smith Wigglesworth

Have faith in God: Smith Wigglesworth

It is grand to see people believe God. God knew all about this leg and that it was broken in two places. I said to the woman, "When I pray, something will happen." Her husband was sitting there; he had been in his chair for four years and could not walk a step.

Churches petition Murmu to save Christians in Manipur

An estimated 35,000 Meitei Christians face “total cleansing and obliteration" in all the valley districts of the hilly state, according to their memorandum submitted to Murmu on June 26.