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Middle East

Christian news from the Middle East and around the world.

Abu Dhabi nurse charged with proselytization

A Filipina nurse refused to give patients medicine and instead urged them to pray to Jesus to cure them, the Criminal Court heard Tuesday.

Syrian rebels release Greek Orthodox nuns after 3 months

The release of the nuns and their helpers, 16 women in all, is a rare successful prisoner exchange deal between Syrian government authorities and the rebels seeking to overthrow the rule of President Bashar Assad.
War in Syria

Church supports Syrians in the midst of crisis

CARS, taxis, and buses fill the streets of Damascus. Shops are opened as usual, and people walk everywhere. Life is continuing as usual in the Syrian capital.

Iranian pastor Behnam Irani released from prison

Pastor Irani was initially arrested in December 2006. He was released the following year, but was given a five-year suspended sentence in 2008.

ISIS suffers huge losses in Syria’s Kobane

THE Islamic State group was taking heavy losses in the Syrian battleground of Kobane on Sunday as Iraqi forces fought the jihadists buoyed by US backing for top government security appointments.

Iraqi Christian village in Nineveh hosts first mass since ISIS takeover

Father Paulus Thabit Makku, a Chaldean priest in Mosul, told Fides News that the Eucharist was held at the only other church in Telskuf, Saint Georges Chaldean church.

We can work with Joe Biden for Israel’s benefit: Josh Reinstein

If Joe Biden becomes President I believe the IAF is uniquely positioned to affect US policy in the Middle East. The Congressional Israel Allies Caucus which is one of the 45 Israel Allies Caucuses in our network is the only bi-partisan pro- Israel caucus on Capitol Hill. It is chaired by three Republicans and three democrats and its membership is almost evenly split.

Arab Christians share food baskets during Christmas 2012

WHILE Christian pilgrims and tourists are streaming here from all over the world to visit the birthplace of Jesus Christ and worship at the Church of the Nativity today,...

Iran parliament endorses President Rouhani’s diplomatic outreach

IRAN'S parliament, dominated by conservatives, strongly endorsed President Hassan Rouhani’s diplomatic bid to break down mistrust at the United Nations in New York last week, which ended with an historic phone call with President Barack Obama, Iranian media said.

Islamic State group downs another Iraqi helicopter

A military aviation official says the militants used a shoulder-fired missile to take down the Bell 407 helicopter north of Beiji on Wednesday. The town is home to Iraq's largest oil refinery.
The suffering of Christ

The happiness of suffering

Suffering for our own mistakes tends to be a source of shame. But to suffer for the sake of righteousness (because we are followers of Jesus) is a cause for joy in the Lord.
Smith Wigglesworth

Have faith in God: Smith Wigglesworth

It is grand to see people believe God. God knew all about this leg and that it was broken in two places. I said to the woman, "When I pray, something will happen." Her husband was sitting there; he had been in his chair for four years and could not walk a step.

Churches petition Murmu to save Christians in Manipur

An estimated 35,000 Meitei Christians face “total cleansing and obliteration" in all the valley districts of the hilly state, according to their memorandum submitted to Murmu on June 26.